Clubs & Activities

In addition to our athletics and arts programs, Duchesne Academy also offers a robust program of clubs, activities, organizations with something for everyone. Below are a few examples ofUpper School clubs and organizations:


Acabellas is a club separate from the Upper School choir where students who join can sing acapella to the songs of the club's choosing. Some performances will be at Feast Wishes, Pop Show, and Coffeehouse!

Athletes in Action

Athletes in Action is a club of girls who love sports and want to give back because sports have given us and taught us so much. Our goal is to help give others more opportunities in sports, so they can experience similar important life lessons.

Biomedical Club

Biomedical Club is a fun opportunity for students interested in the medical field to learn more about disorders, diseases, and the field as a whole. Our main goal is to strengthen students' understanding of exactly what it would mean to choose a career in the biomedical field in a fun and creative way. We hope to inspire them to make in impact in the world and to recognize and appreciate the roles of healthcare researchers and professionals.

Black History and Culture


The Black History and Culture Club works to raise morale about black history and culture that we don’t always focus on in our everyday lives. Embracing our culture and our cultural differences is what makes a community thrive, so this club strives to bring that contribution to our Sacred Heart Sisters!

Campus Ministry

The Duchesne Upper School Campus Ministry Team consists of an elected team of students and volunteers who work to spread God’s Word on and off campus through liturgies, prayer services, retreats, community outreach, and various youth ministry events. It serves the evangelizing mission of the Catholic Church through formation, discipleship, service and prayer. In practicing the Sacred Heart Goals, our Campus Ministry programs seek to strengthen the faith formation of the student body and to promote the development of a Christian community. All members of the Duchesne family, regardless of faith tradition, are invited to participate in the spiritual life of the school. Our Catholic ministry recognizes and honors the diversity that exists in our faith community. The Campus Ministry Team honors the foundresses of the Religious of the Sacred Heart, Saint Madeleine Sophie Barat and Saint Rose Philippine Duchesne in all that they do.

Chai Club

Chai club is a pro-life club dedicated to protecting the dignity of life at all stages. We discuss and advocate issues not only surrounding unborn life but also issues like human trafficking and the death penalty. Advocacy in Chai club includes working inside the Duchesne community, in Houston, and through volunteering.

Chess Club

Chess club is a fun, educational club where you can learn how to play chess with your friends! Overcome challenges and win! Will you become the next chess master?

Cyber Patriot

Cyber Patriot is a National Youth Cyber Education Program, created and run by the Air Force Association (AFA), to inspire students toward careers in STEM. This club participates in the world’s largest National Youth Cyber Defense Competition, where we compete against other high school teams to find and fix cybersecurity vulnerabilities in virtual operating systems as if we were managing a network. The images we have worked on include: Windows Server 2016, Windows 8 and 10, Ubuntu 12 and Debian.

DA Poets' Society

DA Poets’ Society is a collection of creative writers and thinkers who express themselves through poetry and creative writing to enhance their literary abilities and provide a creative writing outlet in the Duchesne Community.

Duchesne Speech and Debate

The Duchesne Speech and Debate program focuses on preparing students for excellence in the world of competitive speech and debate.  Involved students can develop and refine the skills of effective communication through the use of rhetoric, argumentation, research, analysis and delivery. The team provides students the unparalleled ability to enhance essential academic and professional skills in a creative, supportive, demanding, joyful and successful setting. 

The program has qualified multiple students to the Texas Forensics Association State Championship in Public Forum and Lincoln Douglas Debate. Nationally, students the past few years have qualified for the following national championships: National Debate Coaches Association (NDCA), the Tournament of Champions (TOC), and the National Speech and Debate Association (NSDA) National Championship. 

The team welcomes veterans and novices alike and encourages all skill and interest levels to learn more about this wonderful extracurricular opportunity. 

Duchesne Spirit Club

The Duchesne Spirit Club encourages the student body to support our teams. The club works to honor each athlete as an individual, hold pep rallies, and promote upcoming athletic events. Spirit Club further boosts school spirit by making banners and locker decorations. Additionally, the club helps train prospective cheerleaders for St. Thomas High School.

Environmental Club

The mission of the Duchesne Upper School Environmental Club is to educate the community and the club members on local and global environmental issues. Club members have been involved in various activities over the years ranging from Galveston beach cleanups, assisting with Duchesne electronics recycling events, raising funds for Houston Memorial Park, and sponsoring activities and speakers for Earth Day.

French Symposium

The Texas French Symposium is a statewide competition for high school students of French (non-native French speakers). The French Symposium Club aims to prepare students to compete at the March competition by hosting regular meetings to allow students to practice poetry and prose recitation, guided speaking, dictée, sight reading, solo and ensemble vocal, solo instrumental, and several different art mediums.


The handbell club works together to learn simple handbell choir music. In the fall, we practice Christmas music, leading up to a short performance at the beginning of the choir Christmas Concert. We hope to continue learning more techniques with fun music selections in the spring. 

Mandarin Club

The Mandarin Club introduces students to the Mandarin culture, as well as a little about the language. The club creates an appreciation and understanding of the Chinese culture, and exposes students to common cultural practices, including festivals, activities, and food!

Middle Eastern Cultures

Middle Eastern Club is a group where diverse cultures can meet and thrive. Within this group there are people of various cultures, religions, and ethnicities. Club members celebrate the different cultures of the Middle East by venturing deep into each culture through its traditions including different countries’ specific art, film, and food. This club is an adventure into the world of the Middle East.

Mock Trial

Mock Trial intends to introduce concepts of law, the criminal justice system, and public speaking to prepare a team to participate in mock trials. Along with mock trial preparation and competitions, the club will meet with Duchesne alumnae in the law profession, learn about a variety of law-related jobs, explore America's criminal justice system, and Zoom with a judge/attorney.

Muslim Student Association

Muslim Students Association is an inclusive and welcoming association geared towards Muslim students or students interested in Islam. MSA is a place to embrace the Islamic culture. This is the first ever Muslim club started at Duchesne! We open meetings with prayers, make awareness posters, and fundraise in support of local charities and mosques.

National Honor Art Society and Art Club

National Art Honor Society is a chapter of the national organization recognizing students who show outstanding artistic scholarship and service to the school and community through the development of artistic endeavors. NAHS also invites freshman and other students who have not yet had the opportunity to complete a visual art course and therefore, don’t yet qualify for NAHS membership, to work with us through Art Club. The two clubs meet simultaneously and both contribute to projects and club events, including guest speakers, community art projects, and the annual Coffee House event.

National Honor Society

The National Honor Society is an organization dedicated to recognizing outstanding high school students. Selection is based on four criteria: academic achievement, leadership, service, and character. New students are inducted into the National Honor Society each spring.


Photography club is perfect for anyone interested in the art of photography, from beginner to more experienced photographers. In addition to teaching its members the basic concepts of photo design, the club also provides many opportunities for photoshoots, giving its members the chance to express their creativity in new ways.

Student Government

The Student Government organizes events and advocates for students.

International Thespian Society

Duchesne Academy of the Sacred Heart is home to a chapter of the International Thespian Society, an honor society for secondary school theatre students. Membership is granted for the performance of meritorious work in theatre arts in the Upper School.

Women's Empowerment Initiative

The Women’s Empowerment Initiative is open to all and is an independent club that primarily focuses on ensuring that each and every young woman within the student body believes that she can achieve anything she wants, regardless of gender or race.

Young Democrats

Young Democrats club, the Duchesne chapter of High School Democrats of America, is a student-run organization created to promote Democratic ideals and awareness, encourage students to become active within the American political system, and provide a powerful collective voice for progressive students.

Young Republicans

The Young Republicans club is for like-minded people who are curious about the Republican Party's history and beliefs. Additionally, we provide opportunities for the club members to hear professionals in the field speak on their beliefs. Our goal is to teach the basis of republican beliefs.