First Friday Masses
Dear Duchesne Community,
As you may know, the tradition of First Fridays has its origins in the scene depicted in the anonymous painting below (ca. 1900). Sr. Margaret Mary Alacoque VHM, who lived from 1647 to 1690, experienced a series of visions in which Christ urged her to devote herself to His Sacred Heart for nine consecutive Fridays and offered the following blessing:
In the excess of the mercy of my Heart, I promise you that my all-powerful love will grant to all those who will receive Communion on the First Fridays, for nine consecutive months, the grace of final repentance: they will not die in my displeasure, nor without receiving the sacraments; and my Heart will be their secure refuge in that last hour.
The tradition of First Fridays was officially recognized by the Church in 1765 and Sr. Margaret Mary’s visions affirmed by Pope Pius XI in 1928. This devotion is most fitting for schools of the Sacred Heart as it is the Attitudes of Christ’s Heart and His great love for us that inspired Madeleine Sophie Barat to found the Society of the Sacred Heart.
And so, in keeping with this custom, and on behalf of Sr. Caire, we are pleased to invite you once again to join us at every First Friday Mass in the Burguières Family Chapel of the Sacred Heart at 8 a.m. beginning Friday, September 1. We hope that the change in time will make it easier for parents to join us after dropping off their daughters. As always, we welcome all members of the community to participate in this devotion to the Heart of Jesus as we honor Goals I (personal and active faith) and IV (building community as a Christian value). Upper School girls are also welcome to attend, since their classes do not begin until 8:30 a.m.
The attitudes of Christ’s Heart are gratitude, generosity, compassion, and forgiveness (Goal I, Criterion 02). His love is unbounded, so please remember that you needn’t be Catholic to participate. We invite you to receive a blessing during Communion and look forward to bringing the adult Duchesne community together through the Heart of Jesus.
Many thanks to the Parents' Association for their help in bringing the community together through this tradition and through the Parent Rosary Group.
Hillary Feerick-Hillenbrand
Head of School