Wellness Resources
Duchesne provides on-site wellness resources for the entire community so that the Goals and Criteria may be fully realized. Wellness resources include counseling, learning support, campus ministry, and health services.
The Duchesne Counseling Program is available to all students. The program's purpose is to assist students in acquiring and developing the skills to make wise choices in life, academics, and personal relationships. The counselors help students demonstrate a positive attitude toward themselves and others, develop self-responsibility, develop effective decision making skills, and enhance relationship skills.
School success increases as students use these skills to understand and appreciate the lifelong process of learning, growing, and changing.
Two registered nurses are in the clinic during school hours. They treat minor injuries, administer first aid, and determine when a student needs to go home or needs more advanced medical care. They can dispense prescription and over-the-counter medications with the appropriate parental and physician permission. They have current certification in CPR/AED administration.
All medical information and forms are managed through MAGNUS.
Physicals are required for all new students and each year for athletes in grades 6–12. To print the current Duchesne Physical Form, click here.
Immunization Policy
Current immunization records are required for all students. Every student enrolled in a Catholic school in the state of Texas must be immunized against vaccine preventable diseases caused by infectious agents in accordance with the immunization schedule adopted by the Texas Department of State Health Services. A student who fails to present the required evidence will not be accepted for enrollment. The only exemption to this requirement is a medical exemption stating the medical reason for exemption and signed by a licensed physician (M.D. or D.O) authorized to practice in the state of Texas. It must include the physician's license number.
Only over-the-counter medications you have approved through MAGNUS can be dispensed to your child. These medications must be provided by the parents as the clinic does not stock medications. All medication sent to the clinic must come in its unopened original container. For daily prescription medication to be given during the school day, you must complete the daily prescription form on MAGNUS, and the medication must come with the current prescription intact.
Athletic Trainer
Through a partnership with Houston Methodist Health System, Duchesne has a full-time athletic trainer on staff. The athletic trainer provides first-aid care, injury treatment, and rehabilitation for student-athletes who are injured while participating in Duchesne athletics. When necessary, the athletic trainer will refer to orthopedic physicians or work in collaboration with your daughter’s physician to ensure she gets the best care when participating in athletics. The athletic trainer also has a background with concussion training and is part of the Duchesne Concussion Oversight Team.
Wellness Contacts
Natalie Suarez, RN
Interim Health Services Director
713-468-8211, ext. 3171
Rachel Poe
Athletic Trainer
713.468.8211, ext. 3172