A Welcome from the Head of School

Welcome to Duchesne Academy of the Sacred Heart, a school rooted in over 200 years of tradition. We were named for St. Rose Philippine Duchesne, who left France at the age of forty-nine to bring Sacred Heart education to America. It is her legacy and that of the order of the Religious of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, founded by Madeleine Sophie Barat in 1800, that shape our identity.  

We educate to a personal and active faith in God, a deep respect for intellectual values, a social awareness that impels to action, the building of community as a Christian value, and personal growth in an atmosphere of wise freedom. These are our non-negotiables as outlined in the Goals and Criteria of the Society of the Sacred Heart; they are the focus of all our efforts. Leading Duchesne into the future impelled by this mission is both an honor and a blessing for me as Head of School. 

Inspired by Madeleine Sophie Barat’s charge to “make God’s love known,” Duchesne Academy provides a challenging and supportive learning experience through which young women become agents of transformation in the world. We are part of a network of 25 schools in the United States and Canada and over 150 schools in more than 41 countries around the world. As members of the International Coalition of Girls’ Schools, we rely on research-based pedagogy that caters to the ways in which girls learn best and work to create an environment in which they will thrive.  

If you are just hearing about us, I invite you to explore our website and to come in for a visit to learn more. We would love to see you! 


Hillary Feerick-Hillenbrand


Letter to the Community from Board of Trustees